We are part of the ONE trust! Our facilities are outstanding and purpose built to ensure we can provide the very best educational opportunities! We have some spare places in some year groups if you would like to join our new journey!


Personal, Social, Health and Citizen Education Curriculum Overview


At Simonside Primary, we believe it is essential for PSHCE to be taught to our pupils in order for them to develop into healthy, responsible, confident and resilient adults.

We want to see our children equipped with the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to deal with challenging situations now and in their future lives. These aims reflect the core values of our school.

We believe that developing children's self esteem is crucial to a child's overall development and therefore we are committed to helping our children gain and maintain a positive view of themselves, teaching them to recognise their own achievements and strengths, and to deal with risks and challenges in a positive way. We aim to provide a learning environment, which is safe and secure, where all individuals feel confident in themselves and their ability as learners.

Our PSHCE programme begins as soon as children start Nursery and continues through to Year 6. In the Foundation Stage PSHCE is a Prime Area of Learning and underpins most, if not all of the planned activities available to the children.


In Key Stages 1 and 2, the PSHE programme is in line with the National Guidance (PSHCE Association, 2017) and covers three core themes which are:

1 : Health and wellbeing

2 : Relationship

3: Living in the wider world – Economic wellbeing and a responsible citizen.


Our education programme will include other key issues listed below, and is complimented with sessions delivered by our school nurse.


·         Drugs

·         Relationships

·         Emotional Health and Well being

·         Body changes


PSHE is delivered by school staff, our school nurse and partner agencies through discrete lessons or integrated into other curriculum subjects for example, Science and P.E.


For further information about our PSHCE  programme and the resources we use, please contact

Mrs. Watson

PSHCE  subject lead

Simonside Primary School

Tel : 0191 2860776